BioASQ Participants Area

BioASQ - Task BioNNE-L: Nested NER in Russian and English

The BioNNE-L shared task focuses on NLP challenges in entity linking, also known as medical concept normalization (MCN), for English and Russian languages. The goal is to map biomedical entity mentions to a comprehensive set of medical concept names and their concept unique identifiers (CUIs) from the UMLS. You can join anytime from Feb, 2025 onwards.

The train/dev datasets include annotated mentions of disorders, anatomical structures, and chemicals. We design our data to account for a complex structure of nested entity mentions and the partial nature of medical terminology. Participants are allowed to train any model architecture on any publicly available data to achieve the best performance.

The BioASQ Task BioNNE-L is co-ogranized with the Kazan Federal University.

More info soon!